Specialty Installations
Specialty Installations
Airports are complex, state-of-the-art networks of systems with highly sophisticated infrastructure that are among the most complicated facilities to build and maintain.
For over six decades, VRH has worked day-in and day-out within the airport environment and is uniquely positioned with the knowledge, resources, and experience to deliver these unique and complex projects.
United Airlines
Terminal A Club e-Gate Installation, EWR
This project entailed the installation of e-Gates at the entry of the Terminal A Club for United Airlines at Newark Liberty International Airport.

United Airlines
Terminal A Support Spaces - WiFi, EWR
This project entailed the installation of WiFi networks at nineteen (19) gates for United Airlines at Newark Liberty International Airport. This project was a portion of a larger project that entailed the tenant fit out of all operational spaces, both landside and airside, for United at Terminal A.

Terminal A SSCP, EWR

LaGuardia Gateway Partners
Water Feature, LGA

LaGuardia Gateway Partners
Terminal B Artwork Installation, LGA
Photo, top right: Sarah Sze, Shorter than the Day, 2020. Powder coated aluminum and steel. Commissioned by LaGuardia Gateway Partners in partnership with Public Art Fund for LaGuardia Airport’s Terminal B. Photo: Nicholas Knight, Courtesy of the artist; LaGuardia Gateway Partners; Public Art Fund, NY; © Sarah Sze. Photos, bottom left: Jeppe Hein, All Your Wishes, 2020 [balloons]. PVD coated stainless steel. Commissioned by LaGuardia Gateway Partners in partnership with Public Art Fund for LaGuardia Airport’s Terminal B Photo: Nicholas Knight, Courtesy of the artist; LaGuardia Gateway Partners; Public Art Fund, NY; 303 GALLERY, NY; KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin; Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen.

LaGuardia Gateway Partners Terminal B Artwork Installation, LGA

Delta Air Lines
Terminal C Artwork Installation, LGA

Signage, LGA

JCDecaux Signage, LGA

United Airlines
FIDS and GIDS Installation, EWR

LaGuardia Gateway Partners
TSA Send Off Zone, LGA

LaGuardia Gateway Partners TSA Send Off Zone, LGA